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Research Articles

Cordony, I., Mills, L., Mammen, K., & Lintzeris, N. (2023). A systematic review on the effect of routine outcome monitoring and feedback on client outcomes in alcohol and other drug treatment. Drug and Alcohol Review42(7), 1701-1722.

Kerr-Little, A., Bramness, J.G., Newberry, R.C. et al. (2023). Exploring dog ownership in the lives of people with substance use disorder: a qualitative study. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 18(57).

Dyer, A., Böhnke, J. R., Curran, D., McGrath, K., & Toner, P. (2023). A systematic review of quality of life and health‐related quality of life as outcomes in substance and behavioural addictions. Drug and Alcohol Review42(7), 1680-1700.

Lee, K. K., Conigrave, J. H., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., … & Conigrave, K. M. (2023). Deeper understandings of patterns of drinking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Informing policy and practice. Health Promotion Journal of Australia34(4), 883-888. DOI: 10.1002/hpja.696

Miller, S. E., Mogle, J. A., Linden‐Carmichael, A. N., & Almeida, D. M. (2023). Within‐person associations between alcohol use and memory lapses among middle‐aged and older adults. Drug and Alcohol Review42(7), 1754-1763.

Blackford, K., Crawford, G., McCausland, K., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Describing homelessness risk among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Western Australia: A cluster analysis approach. Health Promotion Journal of Australia34(4), 953-962.

Dixon, H., Scully, M., Niederdeppe, J., Brennan, E., O’Brien, K., Vandenberg, B., … & Wakefield, M. (2023). Can counter‐advertising dilute marketing effects of alcohol sponsorship of elite sport: A field experiment. Addiction118(12), 2360-2373.

Deacon, R. M., Mills, L., Bruno, R., Mammen, K., Dunlop, A., Childs, S., … & Lintzeris, N. (2023). Identifying thresholds for clinically meaningful change among clients of drug and alcohol services using the Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile. Addiction118(12), 2457-2465.

Adams, J., Asiasiga, L., & Neville, S. (2022). The alcohol industry—A commercial determinant of poor health for Rainbow communities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia34(4), 903-909.

Morris, J., Boness, C.L., & Burton, R. (2023). (Mis)understanding alcohol use disorder: Making the case for a public health first approach. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,  In press, journal pre-proof.

O’Donnell, K., Rioseco, P., Vittiglia, A., Rowland, B., & Mundy, L. (2023). Intimate partner violence among Australian 18–19 year olds. ( Growing Up in Australia Snapshot Series – Issue 11). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.

Guerin, A. A., Bridson, T., Plapp, H. M., & Bedi, G. (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of health, functional, and cognitive outcomes in young people who use methamphetamine. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews153, 105380.

Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Healing Portal

The Healing Foundation’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Portal, an online hub for people working in healing, health, justice, education, employment, child protection, community services and family violence sectors.

The Healing Portal is designed to encourage information sharing across sectors. It brings together best practice healing initiatives and information about why healing is needed, and what is working in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities. The Portal includes the latest research, reports, case studies, videos and tools from around Australia to enable people to bring trauma aware, healing informed practices into their organisations and communities.

Access Here

Drug & Alcohol Research and Innovation Active-Learning

Catch up on the monthly webinars produced by DARIA, including:

Overcoming barriers for women accessing treament for methamphetamine use

Responding to emerging drugs of concern – nitrazines

Sleep, circadian rhythms and substance use

Psychosocial interventions for families affected by another’s alcohol or other drug use

Access Here


Psychosocial Interventions online course

Insight Qld have  released the first three modules in their Introduction to Psychosocial Interventions online course.

The aim of these modules is to familiarise you with key psychosocial interventions used throughout the spectrum of AOD treatment. These interventions are beneficial for individuals at various stages: those contemplating change, those initiating and stabilising change, and those aiming to maintain their progress.

Each module will introduce you to a range of psychosocial interventions and is structured as follows:

Module 1. Overview and motivational interventions

  • Overview of psychosocial interventions
  • Motivational Interviewing and Brief Interventions

Module 2. Cognitive and behavioural Interventions

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (Skills Training) and Relapse Prevention Therapy

Module 3. Mutual-help groups, Case Management and Narrative Therapy

Access here

Online Resources

Choose Vape Free

This resource package, consisting of three short animations and an accompanying factsheet, has been developed to help young First Nations people better understand how vaping can affect them, the people around them and the environment.

The resources were created by the Lung Foundation Australia, in partnership with La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council’s Tackling Indigenous Smoking team Na Joomelah, and the National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking.

Access Here

Learn More About Alcohol & Drugs

This online learning package from NCETA contains 9 Topics (within 4 Modules) and provides comprehensive information on alcohol and drugs in the workplace.

  1. Drugs
  2. Mental health, stress and fatigue
  3. Communication strategies
  4. Policis and responses
Access Here

Daria Journal Clubs

Catch up on DARIA’s journal club recordings including:

Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy vs Placebo in the Treatment of Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder

Opioid Vs opioid-free analgesia after surgical discharge

Clinical management of cannabis withdrawal

Baclofen to prevent relapse in GHB dependent patients

Pharmacotherapies for Methamphetamine Withdrawal

Meds for Methamphetamine

More Details


All information in the PD Blog is from the websites of the providers. If you require more information or resources please contact the librarian.

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